solarempowered energy eqn solar fun facts

Solar Fun Facts

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The surface of the earth receives 120,000 terawatts of solar radiation (sunlight) – 20,000 times more power than what is needed to supply the entire world. A solar installation reduces a household’s electric CO2 footprint by more than 80% in one year. Sunlight takes a little over eight minutes to reach Earth and a few […]

Solar Insect and Pest Control

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There is nothing worse than a lost night’s sleep due to pesky mosquitoes or an outdoor meal invaded by flies. To make matters worse, if you have spent a lot of time nurturing your garden, it can be frustrating (or heart-breaking) to lose your plants due to rodents and snakes. Be prepared, naturally! Portable Solar […]

lightbulbsprout solarempowered

Solar Garden Lights

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Garden lights look pretty awesome when done well. There are no doubt many cringe-worthy solar garden / home lights out there but hopefully your taste is the same as mine. I have chosen one product for three different types of lights, the favourite being the hanging globe with a simple, trendy and timeless theme. The […]

solar empowered camping products

Handpicked Camping Essentials

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Solar-powered essentials are not only functional and reliable but also can outperform battery-powered equivalents. More and more products now allow you to harness nature’s power, transforming the camping experience into one that is truly sustainable, comfortable and efficient. First and foremost, you need a good solar panel and battery back and from there, you can add […]

solar empowered camping solar power

Portable Solar Panels

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There is nothing quite like camping. Escape the daily grind, inhale fresh air, get active, explore, sleep and wake with nature’s rhythms and contemplate on the beauty of nature. Camping does have it’s discomforts however. Trying to light your cooking area and discovering you didn’t bring enough spare batteries, only being able to re-charge your […]

solar empowered disconnect grid

Disconnecting from the Grid

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Installing battery storage in your home does not necessarily mean that you can disconnect completely from the electrical grid. Generally speaking, going off grid is not practical for the average urban consumer because: it may be tough to store enough energy to reliably cover your use multiple cloudy days in winter it would not be […]

solar empowered solar environment

Solar and Earth

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Every square metre of planet Earth receives around 1,366 watts of direct solar radiation. Solar power is a highly reliable energy source and our ability to harvest it is dependent on just technology and location. Solar technology is developing fast, with new breakthroughs each year: higher efficiencies, lower cost, easier installations. It’s exciting to be a part of this […]